Sunday, 24 November 2024

A Wound in the Soul


That which roars
within the soul
is the wound of an eternal duel
etched in the unyielding chronicles of history

It rises from the sorrow
of a lineage of gallant souls
who unveiled life’s secrets
embracing the cost with their very being
Upon the heights of a hymn
they laughed at the disgrace of the gallows
and, in harmony with the whirling ashes of Hallaj
danced upon the surface of the seven seas

They cast a lot with the ecstasy of Shiraz’s mystic
and, confiding in the beloved’s allure
bore the sacred trust upon their shoulders
They rebelled against the heavens
tearing the roof of the skies
with a single, piercing cry

On the wings of Arash’s piercing arrow
they donned the robe of liberation
and soared beyond the borders of time
leaping eternally
into the borderless void

Once more, as tulips
within the nest of the Simorgh
they blossomed in trust
to etch the crimson blood of Siavash
upon the brow of the horizon
From the red streaks of dawn
they unleashed a vermillion river
upon the pale visage of the plains

And this is the very force
that rages within the soul
coursing through the veins
of scarlet poppies and crimson boughs

Arsalan – Tehran
November 18, 2024

Explanation of Names and Stories

  1. Hallaj: Mansur al-Hallaj, a Persian mystic and poet, was executed for his Sufi teachings. His “whirling ashes” symbolize his spiritual sacrifice and transcendence.

  2. Shiraz’s Mystic: Refers to Hafez, a beloved Persian poet known for his mystical and romantic verses. His "ecstasy" implies his spiritual depth and celebration of divine love.

  3. Arash the Archer: A legendary figure in Persian mythology. He shot an arrow that defined Iran’s borders, sacrificing himself for his people’s freedom. The "wings of his arrow" symbolize hope and liberation.

  4. Simorgh: A mythical bird in Persian literature, representing wisdom and unity. It appears in the epic Conference of the Birds by Attar, symbolizing enlightenment.

  5. Siavash: A tragic hero in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. Siavash's innocence and unjust death are emblematic of purity and sacrifice. The imagery of his blood on the horizon signifies resilience and eternal justice.

  6. Sarbaddars: A revolutionary movement in 14th-century Persia, who resisted oppression. They are remembered for their valor and ultimate sacrifice, embracing death to uphold their principles.

This poem weaves together historical and mythological figures to evoke themes of resistance, sacrifice, and the eternal spirit of freedom coursing through Persian culture.

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