Monday, 4 November 2024

Oceanic Heart ( دل دریایی )

Your heart is the blue of the sea
It tames the raging storms of my tales
In the serene cradle of a gaze
Borrowing light
From the dawn’s first glow
And with the white dance of clouds
Upon the indigo embrace of the sky
It takes to heart
The spirit of flight

Your heart
Is the dense mystery of a forest
Draping the naked pride of mountains
In the green mantle of life

It brings the wild roar of waves
To rest upon the patient chest of the shore
And the autumnal sorrow of words
Blends in harmony
With the rhythm of raindrops
Turning into a song

But my heart
Is touched by spring’s air
Awaiting hands that smell
Of fresh leaves

And heavy with murmurs
In the hues of birdsong
Embracing the presence of a companion
In the empty space of a cage
Held tight

But my heart
Is a dream
In a no-man’s land between forest and sea
Seeing the damp sleep of a fantasy
That each night
Settles softly
Amid the thirst of my tales

Arsalan - Tehran
November 2, 2024

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