۱۴۰۳ مهر ۱۹, پنجشنبه

Kobani ( کوبانی )

Rain upon us
O clouds, barren and dry
etch the gaze of Kobani's daughters
in their moment of flight
above a scorched land that still
is purified by the lashes
of savagery

Sing to us
O winds, wild and unruly
in the madness of the messengers of ruin
the piercing cries of mothers
who sing songs of freedom
with courage as their chorus

Shine upon us
O restless flames of the sun
the embers of the shamed wounds
of women
who, in the ravaged streets of Kobani
claw at the thirsty earth
in their struggle for life

Crumble in shame
O barren soil
when every vile weed
madly hangs the tall cedars
upon its twisted gallows

Flee, O foul nights
from the plains of Kobani
and all lands alike
as the riders of the dawn
mock the mission of the small and great caliphs
with their eternal smiles

Sing with us
the song of all rains,
in the hour when
the restless flames
soothed by the cool caress of spring
finally find peace

Sing with us

 Arsalan, Tehran
(October 10, 2014)

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