۱۴۰۳ مهر ۱۷, سه‌شنبه

Yesterday's Air ( هوایِ دیروز )


Today, following yesterday
Takes its steps forward
And every year
The borrowed cloak
Believes once again it's renewed
To make us forget the brief span of life
Trapped between walls and ruins

In this chaotic age
No joy remains
To place smiles upon lips
No tears
To soothe the eyes with their weeping
And no hope
From the clock's restless ticking
To trick time
Into returning to the realm of the past

Paint for me
A picture of the bitter taste of your smile
On the blank canvas of my gaze
So that the silk blooms of the room’s carpet
Beneath the tall arch of the dome
May rise in a mystic dance

The hidden bud
From the clay chandeliers of the carpet
Escapes the hanging scaffold

And the stern face of the wall
Touched by the scent of lilies and night-blooms
For a moment
Blends with the colors of life

Today, too, still
In yesterday’s air
Takes its steps

Arsalan – Tehran
May 14, 2022

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