۱۴۰۳ مهر ۷, شنبه

Another Spring ( بهاری دیگربار )



Rides on the graceful steed of the wind

And steals the darkness of the plain

With a green melody

It adorns

The nakedness of acacia and lilac

With a robe of blossoms

So that

With the blush of young girls' cheeks

It may interpret the dreams of the poppies


Sprinkles the milky clarity of the moonlight

On the crown of the horizon

The city


Pulls the black veil of night

From its head, and

The sun

Drapes a gown, patterned with daffodils and violets

Over the wounded body of the earth

The soil still

Yearns for rain

So it may play a tune

With the flowing soul of the river

The high peak of freedom

Melts with the fire of lightning

And draws another image

On the unwritten canvas of fate

Spring, too, this year

Blooms in the heart of ruin

A ruin long stricken

By the obsession of a mirage

And asks the breeze

For a sign of your presence

Arsalan - Tehran
 (March 22, 2023)

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