۱۴۰۳ شهریور ۲۷, سه‌شنبه

I Will Not Stop Fighting ( از ستیز باز نمی مانم )


Even though I know  

There’s turmoil  

In my soul  

And a storm, it seems  

Hidden within  

Where reason  

Frees the body  

From the fear of taking risks  

But the heart  

Pulls me down another path  

This time too  

I will not stop fighting

Even though I know  

I walk neither the path of those before me 

Nor am I bewildered like those  

Who lead their passionate hearts  

To mere stones  

I mark the signs of the unwritten  

With the humble means of my poetry  

On the relentless passage of time  

And I will not stop fighting

Even though I know  

The shadow of corruption  

Has nested  

On the edge of every rooftop

And the color of darkness  

Has left its mark  

On the walls of every home  

I flee from complaining about the times  

And I will not stop fighting

Even though I know  

Doubt in this moment  

Is a hidden deceit  

That robs my words  

Of their power  

This time  

I will recite the tale  

In another way  

And I will not stop fighting

Arsalan - Tehran  

July 11, 2020

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