۱۴۰۳ مهر ۴, چهارشنبه

No Escape (گریزی نبود)

There was no escape
And no conflict remained hidden
We are left
And the relentless bitterness
That pricks the heart with a jolt
And counts, step by step
The tumultuous descent of life
In haste

There was no song
And no secret remained concealed
We are left
And the fragments of a cup
That, from the tongues of wounds
Was broken in one gulp
And, with the mark of a brand and banner
Formed an eternal pact without reason

There was no remedy
And no language remained for the pain
To speak of the crookedness of time
And seek a hand of affection
Behind the wall of silence

There was no escape
And no words remained in the midst
We are left
And the perpetual passage of time
Which undoubtedly
Will never remain without a trace


Arsalan, Tehran

7th July , 2024 

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